You are leaving the Lead Bank website

This link takes you away from the Lead Bank website, and outside of an experience that we can control. Be careful with your personal information, and only provide your details on sites you fully trust.

2  "type": "individual",
3  "individual_details": {
4    "contact_methods": [
5      {
6        "type": "email"
7      }
8    ],
9    "identification_details": {
10      "type": "us_entity",
11      "tax_identification": {
12        "type": "ssn"
13      }
14    }
15  },
16  "rfi_details": {
17    "result": "requested"
18  },
19  "ofac_details": {
20    "result": "pending"
21  },
22  "kyc_details": {
23    "result": "pending"
24  }

BaaS Partner Platform

Contact UsDocumentation

Lead has what you need to build and scale embedded financial products. Our API-first platform is fast, flexible, and designed to support businesses of all sizes, enabling seamless integration and growth.


Originate and disburse term loans or lines of credit

Offer lending products tailored to your program. Simplify your payments process by disbursing directly with Lead.

Term loans or lines of credit

Provide the lending product based on your borrowers’ need.

Flexible lending product structures

Support flexible product structures, including buy-now-pay-later and interest or fee-based lending products.

Consumer and commercial lending programs

Offer lending programs to consumer or commercial borrowers across sole proprietorships and other business types.

Disbursements and payment handling

Disburse loans and handle repayments utilizing ACH or wire.

API Sample
Copied to clipboard
2     "id": "disbursement_xyz001",
3     "client_loan_id": "string",
4     "created_at": "2022-06-27T11:22:33Z",
5     "updated_at": "2022-06-27T11:22:33Z",
6     "status": "succeeded",
7     "amount": 0,
8     "currency_code": "USD",
9     "payment_method": "ach",
10     "payment_details": {
11          "delivery_type": "same_business_day",
12          "effective_date": "string",
13          "trace_number": "123456789012345",
14          "statement_descriptor": "P2P Credit",
15               "counterparty": {
16                    "name": "Lara Smikle",
17                    "account_number": "1032345678",
18                    "routing_number": "021000021",
19                    "account_type": "checking"
20               },
21          "correction": {
22               "account_number": "1032345678",
23               "routing_number": "021000021",
24               "account_type": "checking"
25          },
26     "failure": {
27          "failure_code": "account_closed",
28          "failure_details": "account_closed"
29          }
30     }

Term Loans

Lead offers origination and disbursements of secured or unsecured term loans for both consumer and commercial borrowers. Lead supports various loan structures, including
buy-now-pay-later products and interest or fee-based lending products, tailored to meet your needs.

Consumer and commercial
Secured or unsecured
Origination and disbursements

Lines of Credit

Lead supports the origination of secured or unsecured lines of credit for both consumer and commercial borrowers. Lead provides simplified disbursements through our transfer methods.

Consumer and commercial
Secured or unsecured
Origination and disbursements

How it works

Create a record of your customer, their applications, accounts, and document details

Originate loans with Lead

Disburse funds to your customer using Lead transfer methods

Update Lead on any changes to your customer or account information while the account is open


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Control your transfer of funds

Be in charge of your flow of funds utilizing our ACH, Wire, or Internal Transfer.

Multiple transfer settlement options

Leverage settlement options across real-time, same-day, or next-day with our various transfer options.

Direct connection to the Federal Reserve

Have visibility and control of your transfers with our direct connection to the Federal Reserve for ACH, Wire, and Checks.

Updates on transfer status to take action

Receive programmatic updates on your ACH or wire status to take action.

API or file support

Utilize a file or API interface based on your preferred method of integration.

API Sample
Copied to clipboard
2  "id": "ach_xyz001",
3  "created_at": "2022-06-27T11:22:33Z",
4  "updated_at": "2022-06-27T11:22:33Z",
5  "status": "submitted",
6  "amount": 5000,
7  "account_id": "account_xyz123",
8  "account_number_id": "account_number_xyz123",
9  "direction": "outgoing",
10  "delivery_type": "same_business_day",
11  "transaction_type": "credit",
12  "sec_code": "WEB",
13  "currency_code": "USD",
14  "statement_descriptor": "P2P Credit",
15  "record_details": {
16    "company_name": "Acme Inc.",
17    "company_id": "1234",
18    "company_discretionary_data": "Acme Inc.",
19    "effective_date": "2022-06-27",
20    "settlement_date": "2022-06-27",
21    "individual_id": "string",
22    "receiver_name": "string",
23    "descriptive_date": "220627",
24    "additional_information": "string",
25    "trace_number": "123456789012345"
26  },
27  "counterparty": {
28    "name": "Lara Smikle",
29    "account_number": "1032345678",
30    "routing_number": "021000021",
31    "account_type": "checking"
32  },
33  "returns": [
34    {
35      "type": "return",
36      "status": "submitted",
37      "return_code": "R02",
38      "return_reason": "string",
39      "trace_number": "123456789012345",
40      "additional_information": "string"
41    }
42  ],
43  "reversal": {
44    "reversal_reason": "duplicate",
45    "linked_ach_id": "string"
46  },
47  "rejection": {
48    "reason": "account_number_status",
49    "details": "Account number account_123 is inactive."
50  },
51  "correction": {
52    "account_number": "1032345678",
53    "routing_number": "021000021",
54    "account_type": "checking"
55  },
56  "metadata": {
57    "additionalProp": "string"
58  }


Lead has a direct connection to the Federal Reserve to support incoming and outgoing same-day and next-day ACH. Receive programmatic updates on the status of ACH entries to take appropriate action, including canceling ACH or handling returns. Lead offers all settlement windows, allowing your funds to be settled in a matter of hours.

API and Nacha files support
Incoming and outgoing
Same-day and next-day
Multiple settlement windows per day

Create the customer record with Lead

Create an account for the customer

Initiate outgoing or receive incoming ACH transfers

Monitor status of ACH via webhooks


Lead has a direct connection to Fedwire to support real-time transfers of funds. We support US domestic wires (with international wires coming soon) and provide you with visibility into wire status to take timely action.

API support
Incoming and outgoing
API Sample
Copied to clipboard
2  "id": "wire_xyz123",
3  "created_at": "2024-06-27T11:22:33Z",
4  "updated_at": "2024-06-27T11:22:33Z",
5  "direction": "incoming",
6  "status": "created",
7  "amount": 5000,
8  "currency_code": "USD",
9  "account_id": "account_xyz123",
10  "account_number_id": "account_number_xyz123",
11  "counterparty_financial_institution": {
12    "name": "Bank of America",
13    "routing_number": 123456789
14  },
15  "originator": {
16    "name": "Alan Scott",
17    "address": [
18      "string"
19    ],
20    "identifier_type": "account_number",
21    "identifier_value_last_four": 1234
22  },
23  "beneficiary": {
24    "name": "Kimaya Bajwa",
25    "address": [
26      "string"
27    ],
28    "identifier_type": "account_number",
29    "identifier_value": 211234567890
30  },
31  "message_to_beneficiary": "Payment for invoice #12345",
32  "transfer_purpose": "Invoice payment",
33  "imad": "20241215MMQFMP2L017736",
34  "additional_network_data": {
35    "sender_reference": "string",
36    "end_to_end_identification": "EndtoEnd12345",
37    "beneficiary_reference": "string",
38    "message_to_receiving_fi": "string",
39    "fi_to_fi_message": "string",
40    "previous_message_identifier": "string",
41    "payment_notification": "string"
42  },
43  "was_returned": true,
44  "related_wires": {
45    "previous_wire_id": "wire_xyz001",
46    "return_wire_ids": [
47      "wire_xyz002"
48    ]
49  },
50  "rejection": {
51    "reason": "account_inactive",
52    "imad": "20241215MMQFMP2L017736"
53  },
54  "metadata": {
55    "additionalProp": "string"
56  }

Create the customer record with Lead

Create an account for the customer

Initiate outgoing or receive incoming wire transfers

Monitor the status of wires via webhooks

API Sample
Copied to clipboard
2  "id": "internal_transfer_xyz123",
3  "amount": 5000,
4  "currency_code": "USD",
5  "sender_account_id": "account_xyz123",
6  "sender_account_number_id": "account_number_xyz123",
7  "receiver_account_id": "account_xyz123",
8  "receiver_account_number_id": "account_number_xyz123",
9  "status": "succeeded",
10  "description": "string",
11  "metadata": {
12    "additionalProp": "string"
13  },
14  "created_at": "2022-06-27T11:22:33Z",
15  "updated_at": "2022-06-27T11:22:33Z"

Internal Transfers

Lead offers internal transfer for accounts you own with us. You can transfer funds instantly to better facilitate flow of funds for your treasury operations.

API support
Between Lead accounts

Create accounts at Lead

Transfer funds in real-time between Lead accounts

Monitor the status of internal transfers via webhooks


Lead offers support for managing outgoing and incoming checks, as well as returns. With direct connection to the Federal Reserve, Lead facilitates the secure exchange of X9 files to streamline funds transfers via checks.

X9 file support
Incoming and outgoing

Create accounts at Lead

Send X9 files for check transfers

Lead sends X9 files according to the Federal Reserve settlement schedule


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Offer debit, prepaid, or credit card

Provide card programs with flexible BIN sponsorship and an issuing processor of your choice.

Principal member of multiple networks

Provide card programs for your customers based on the card brand of your choice including Visa, Mastercard, and Amex.

Account holder type support

Offer consumer or commercial card programs depending on your account holder type.

Bring your own processor

Reach speed to market and operational efficiency by choosing your own processor.

Financial, compliance, legal, and risk expertise

Work with our in-house experts to build a compliant card program.

Credit or Charge Cards

Lead supports credit or charge card programs with Visa, Mastercard, and Amex. Lead will originate receivables, settle with card networks, and provide program oversight.

Consumer and commercial
Visa, Mastercard, and Amex
Processor of your choice

Debit or Prepaid Cards

Lead supports debit or prepaid card programs with Visa or Mastercard. You can send funds directly to a debit or prepaid card with push-to-card (OCT) capability. Lead will settle with card networks and provide program oversight.

Consumer and commercial
Visa or Mastercard
Processor of your choice
Push-to-card capability (OCT)

How it works

Create a record of your customer, their applications, accounts, and document details

Lead settles with the network for the customer’s card transactions

Provide customer balance and transaction information for reconciliation

Update Lead on any changes to customer or account information while the account is open


Contact UsDocumentation

Create accounts for your customers

Open FDIC-insured bank accounts for your customers and provide direct access to payment rails. 

Multiple account numbers against one account

Create multiple virtual account numbers to simplify financial operations.

Account structure optimization

Utilize account structures including FBO and direct deposit accounts to simplify your financial operations and manage funds on behalf of your customers.

FDIC Insured

FDIC insurance on checking or savings accounts.

Compliance, legal, and risk expertise

Work with our in-house experts to build compliant financial products.

Virtual Account Numbers

Lead allows you to create multiple virtual account numbers for one account with different permissions and limits. This enables you to assign each virtual account number to a specific customer or purpose, making it easier to track and reconcile payments and deposits.

Assign, manage and control multiple virtual accounts against one account
Provide access to transfer methods on accounts
API Sample
Copied to clipboard
2  "id": "account_number_xyz",
3  "account_number": 123412341234,
4  "routing_number": 123456789,
5  "account_id": "account_xyz123",
6  "client_customer_id": "<your_customer_id>",
7  "entity_id": "entity_xyz123",
8  "status": "active",
9  "metadata": {
10    "additionalProp": "string"
11  },
12  "created_at": "2025-01-24T19:00:58.920Z",
13  "updated_at": "2025-01-24T19:00:58.920Z"

FBO Accounts

Manage funds on behalf of your customers by utilizing the FBO account structure. FBO accounts allow for better regulatory compliance through the segregation of funds and help build customer trust in safeguarding their funds.

Manage funds on behalf of customers
Provide access to payment rails on accounts

How it works

Establish a bank account with Lead

Create the customer record with Lead

Create a virtual account number for each customer

Enable transfer methods across ACH, Wire, Internal Transfers


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